
Microblading Q&A

admin Microblading and Permanent Makeup Blog

Hi! I thought I would do a Q & A because there many questions to be asked and a lot of misinformation or negated information out there. Most of the information that potential clients do not have comes from inexperience on the part of the technician or artist presenting the information in total.  Many schools and classes are in every …


Microblading & Permanent Eyebrows

admin Microblading and Permanent Makeup Blog

Microblading has become the most sought after facial procedure in decades.  The field of Permanent Makeup or Intradermal Cosmetics has never seen anything like this to date.   This procedure, unlike the old stenciled brows of the past, creates a softer more natural hair stroke look to brow enhancement.  Is it a tattoo one might ask? Yes, anytime pigments are inserted …


Eyebrow Microblading 101

admin Microblading and Permanent Makeup Blog

The Industry’s Biggest Phenomenon – Microblading Microblading eyebrows has become the biggest phenomenon in the Permanent makeup industry EVER! I have done makeup for over 16 years and have never seen anything this exciting procedure that gives women and men back that youthful look that once framed their face.   I want to talk about expectations here on a few points …